威氏棘花鱸 Plectranthias wheeleri Randall, 1980
之前介紹過台灣兩種較大型的棘花鱸(黃吻與沈氏),這次來介紹另一種小型、地理分佈包含台灣在內的棘花鱸 —威氏棘花鱸 Plectranthias wheeleri ,最大的體長不超過10公分。相較大型的棘花鱸,小型棘花鱸的標本更難採集。棘花鱸具隱蔽習性,尤其小型的物種更喜歡棲息在底層的礫石之間或是地形極為複雜、不利進行漁業撈捕或垂釣的環境裡,而且魚隻小也不易上鈎。因樣本取得困難,所以典藏在博物館的棘花鱸標本皆不多。不少棘花鱸的物種,在第一次發表到現在,可以根據的標本寥寥無幾,甚至只有單一標本。
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Fig 1. 北方三島附近釣獲,李永泰船長贈 |
威氏棘花鱸 Plectranthias wheeleri Randall, 1980
(English description at bottom)
威氏棘花鱸是分佈在西太平洋海域的物種,其記錄一般來自印尼、台灣、日本及珊瑚海地區,Randall 在 1980年發表時使用的正模式標本來看印尼西里伯斯的美娜多灣(Manado Bay)。本種的樓息深度也不淺,通常在100-250公尺間的深水岩礁,這種深度以深水花鱸來說不算很深,所以本種相對地亦有較多流通在水族市場的活體。在台灣,本種以棘花鱸來說不算少見,主要分佈在北部及西南部海域。筆者曾在魚市場取得一尾很大的個體(圖2,來源為北部海域),然後另外有船長贈與筆者一尾在綿花嶼附近水深150-180公尺釣獲的雌性個體(圖1)。除了筆者處理的新鮮個體,也在在海生館的標本館中找出一些並鑑定為威氏棘花鱸的標本,採集地為西南部。
威氏棘花鱸 P. wheeleri 的特徵與鑑定如下:
- 體色淡粉紅;多個橘紅色的塊狀斑在身體上組成似網格的紋路,在身體上半部較為明顯;吻部、身體上有散落的黃斑。
- 背鰭、臀鰭及尾鰭為黃色;胸鰭橘黃色;腹鰭沒有顏色。
- 背鰭硬棘X(10),軟條16;胸鰭鰭條13;側線鱗 29。
- 側線完整;下頜及顎骨(maxilla)不被鱗;前鰓蓋骨下緣具兩根向前棘。
威氏棘花鱸有不少的近似種,其中在形態上最接近的是 Plectranthias knappi (Randall, 1996),但是標本很少,而且沒有文獻描述過新鮮時的體色,所以在這裡比較意義不大;另外,P. megalepis、P. whiteheadi、P. maekawa 也是威氏棘花鱸的近似種。
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Fig 2 |
最大長度:8.7 cm SL
模式產地:美娜多灣(Manado Bay)
Plectranthias wheeleri is a anthiine fish from the western Pacific region, which is described from Indonesia (Randall, 1980), has been recorded from northwestern Australia, New Caledonia, Taiwan. Japanese recorded was previously confirmed (Wada, Senou & Motomura, 2018). It is a typical deepwater (or so-called deep mesophotic) reef fish, inhabits in rocky reef or bottom at depth 100-250m.
In Taiwan, there were specimens collected from the northern and southwestern water, some of them were kept in museum. From my perspective, P. wheeleri is not really rare in Taiwan, it is caught as a bycatch by anglers sometimes, it is and too small so fishermans often throw it back to the sea (alive one will be kept and sold to ornamental fish market). The author had received 2 specimens of P. wheeleri before. One large male specimen was collected (Fig 2) from Keelung fish market (northern Taiwan). Another specimen was given by a friend who caught it by hook-and-line near the Huaping Islet.
A brief diagnosis of P. wheeleri:
- Lateral line complete; head (chin & maxilla) not scaled; two antrorse spines on the ventral margin of preopercle.
- Dorsal-fin elements X, 16; pectoral-fin rays 16; pored lateral-line scales 29.
- Body color pale pink; orange or reddish yellow blotches forming reticulate pattern, these pattern are more conspicuous on the upper-half of body,
- Dorsal, anal and caudal fin yellowish; pectoral fin reddish yellow; pelvic fin pale.
2. Wada, H., Senou, H. & Motomura, H. (2018) Plectranthias maekawa, a new species of perchlet from the Tokara Islands, Kagoshima, Japan, with a review of Japanese records of P. wheeleri (Serranidae: Anthiadinae). Ichthyological Research, 66, 269-279.